Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Neetu Chandra keep herself busy


Neetu Chandra may not have too much film work, but she knows how to keep herself busy. She’s now a favourite with dress designers who are constantly looking for showstoppers at the various fashion events. Rocky S roped Neetu in as the showstopper for his fashion show in Delhi this week and the very next day Neetu was chosen by Neeta Lulla for a show in Chandigarh.

The actress says, “Being a ramp showstopper gives me a different kind of high and confidence.” She adds, “Most of the time I get piercing looks or raised eyebrows, followed by a lot of instant attention, love, affection and warmth from the audience. It feels as if I got a thousand jadu ki jhappis all together. It’s ecstatic and I love all of it.” Romp on, Neetu, romp on!


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