Friday, February 11, 2011

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Pick-n-mix your mate this Valentine's


Happy Thursday, readers. You’re probably wondering why on earth I’m posting on a weekday. No, I don’t have a day off to chillax with a steaming cuppa chai. Sob.

I just wanted to give you all the opportunity to read my Valentine’s blog post over at the Food Network UK blog (if you don’t already read this blog, you should).

Alongside a drop dead gorgeous recipe for Milk Chocolate and Raspberry Pudding with Lemon Shortbreads, I’ve written a fun blog post calling out to all of you blog readers.

It's all about you describing your ideal mate as a dessert. Here are some we came up with at FN HQ to give you a little taster:

If I could describe my perfect mate as a dessert, they would be...

‘A little rough around the edges and covered in chocolate sauce.’

‘Like a selection box – so I can have a different one every time.’

Wanna know mine? Then leave a comment with your own ‘Pick-n-mix mate’ here or there and I’ll make sure yours gets shared at FN HQ. You can also share them with me on Facebook 
Tell me, tell me, tell me (because I’m dying to know):

If you could describe your ideal mate as a pudding, what would they be?

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